发表于 2007-7-17 20:38:27| 字数 4,865| - 中国–广东–广州 电信
fartein.ifi.uio.no=Norway, University of Oslo
ntp.lth.se=Sweden, Lund Institute of Technology
time.service.uit.no=Norway, University of Tromsoe
ntp0.pipex.net=UK, Cambridge
ntp0.nl.net=Netherlands, Amsterdam, NLnet
ntp2.pipex.net=UK, Cambridge
ntp0.ja.net=UK, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
ntp.cs.strath.ac.uk=Scotland, Strathclyde University, Glasgow
ntp1.strath.ac.uk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University
ntp2a.mcc.ac.uk=England, University of Manchester, Manchester
ntp4.strath.ac.uk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University
ntp0.strath.ac.uk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University
ntps1-1.cs.tu-berlin.de=Germany, Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin
ntp1.pipex.net=UK, Cambridge
ntp2.strath.ac.uk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University
ntp.univ-lyon1.fr=France, Lyon, CISM
ntps1-0.cs.tu-berlin.de=Germany, Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin
ntp3.strath.ac.uk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University
ntps1-0.uni-erlangen.de=Germany, Erlangen, University Erlangen-Nuernberg
ntps1-2.uni-erlangen.de=Germany, Erlangen, University Erlangen-Nuernberg
ntps1-1.uni-erlangen.de=Germany, Erlangen, University Erlangen-Nuernberg
time.ijs.si=Slovenia, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
biofiz.mf.uni-lj.si=Slovenia, University of Ljubljana
info.cyf-kr.edu.pl=Poland, Academic Computer Centre, Krakow
bitsy.mit.edu=USA, MA, Cambridge, MIT Information Systems
nic.near.net=USA, MA, Cambridge
ntp-1.ece.cmu.edu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon
swisstime.ethz.ch=Switzerland, Zurich, Integrated Systems Laboratory
ntp-2.ece.cmu.edu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon
otc1.psu.edu=USA, PA, Penn State University
timex.peachnet.edu=USA, GA, Kennesaw, PeachNet NOC
fuzz.psc.edu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, PSC Supercomputer Center
timex.cs.columbia.edu=USA, NY, New York, Columbia University
vtserf.cc.vt.edu=USA, VA, Virginia Tech Computing Center
clock-1.cs.cmu.edu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University
gilbreth.ecn.purdue.edu=USA, IN, West Lafayette, Purdue University
harbor.ecn.purdue.edu=USA, IN, West Lafayette, Purdue University
molecule.ecn.purdue.edu=USA, IN, West Lafayette, Purdue University
nss.unet.umn.edu=USA, MN, St. Paul
ns.unet.umn.edu=USA, MN, Minneapolis
clock.psu.edu=PA, Penn State University, University Park
noc.near.net=USA, MA, Cambridge
salmon.maths.tcd.ie=Ireland, Dublin, Trinity College
ntp.ctr.columbia.edu=USA, NY, New York, Columbia University
finch.cc.ukans.edu=USA, Kansas University Computer Center
ntp-0.cso.uiuc.edu=USA, IL, Champaign, University of Illinois
ntp.maths.tcd.ie=Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin
nss.nts.umn.edu=USA, MN, St Paul
tock.usno.navy.mil=USA, Washington DC, U.S. Naval Observatory
eagle.tamu.edu=USA, Texas A&M University
ntp5.tamu.edu=TX, Texas A&M University, College Station
www2.cmc.ec.gc.ca=Canada, Canadian Meteorological Centre, Dorval
kuhub.cc.ukans.edu=USA, KN, Lawrence, Kansas University
ntp-2.cso.uiuc.edu=USA, IL, Champaign, University of Illinois
zeus.tamu.edu=USA, TX, College Station, Texax A&M
www1.cmc.ec.gc.ca=Canada, Canadian Meteorological Centre, Dorval
ntp-1.mcs.anl.gov=USA, IL, Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory
ntp1.cs.wisc.edu=University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Science Department
tmc.edu=USA, TX, Houston, Baylor College of Medicine
ntp.css.gov=USA, VA, Arlington, Center for Seismic Studies
time.nist.gov=USA, CO, Boulder, National Center for Atmospheric Research
ntp-2.mcs.anl.gov=USA, IL, Argonne National Laboratory
time-A.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov=USA, CO, National Institue of Standards and Technology
ntp3.cs.wisc.edu=University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Science Department
clock1.unc.edu=USA, NC, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina
tock.cs.unlv.edu=USA, NV, Las Vegas, UNLV Computer Science Department
louie.udel.edu=USA, DE, University of Delaware
tick.cs.unlv.edu=USA, NV, Las Vegas, UNLV Computer Science Department
cuckoo.nevada.edu=USA, NV, Las Vegas, University of Nevada
time.nrc.ca=Canada, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa
rolex.peachnet.edu=USA, GA, Kennesaw, PeachNet NOC
mizbeaver.udel.edu=USA, DE, Newark, University of Delaware
clepsydra.dec.com=USA, CA, Palo Alto, DEC Research Laboratory
tick.utoronto.ca=Canada, University of Toronto
ntp.nasa.gov=USA, CA, NASA Ames Research Center
timelord.cs.uregina.ca=Canada, Saskatchewan, University of Regina
everest.cclabs.missouri.edu=USA, MO, University of Missouri-Columbia
ntp.ucsd.edu=USA, CA, San Diego, UCSD Computer Science & Engineering
wwvb.isi.edu=USA, CA, Marina del Rey, USC Information Sciences Institute
tick.usno.navy.mil=USA, Washington DC, U.S. Naval Observatory
clock.isc.org=USA, CA, Palo Alto, Internet Software Consortium
chime.utoronto.ca=Canada, University of Toronto
sundial.columbia.edu=USA, NY, New York, Mornigside Campus Columbia University
ntp0.cornell.edu=USA, NY, Cornell University, Ithaca
ntp.saard.net=Australia, The University of Adelaide
augean.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au=Austrialia, University of Adelaide
clock.nc.fukuoka-u.ac.jp=Japan, Fukuoka, Fukuoka University
ntp.adelaide.edu.au=Australia, University of Adelaide
clock.tl.fukuoka-u.ac.jp=Japan, Fukuoka, Fukuoka University
timeserver.cs.umb.edu=USA, MA, Boston, University of Massachusetts
gazette.bcm.tmc.edu=USA, TX, Houston, Baylor College of Medicine
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