ThinkPad 72W Slim AC/DC Combo Adapter - Service parts
Applicable countries and regions
Geography: The geography where the product is available.
Marketing part number: The part number used for purchasing the product.
Replacement part number (FRU): The service part number for the product or one of the product's components.
ThinkPad 72W Slim AC/DC Combo Adapter
North America Marketing part number Replacement part number (FRU) Power Cord FRU DC Cord FRU
US, Canada, LA 73P4485 73P4503 39M5016 73P4510
Asia Pacific Marketing part number Replacement part number (FRU) Power Cord FRU DC Cord FRU
Australia, New Zealand, Fiji,
Papua New Guinea Line Cord 73P4496 73P4505 39M4960 73P4510
Bangledesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan Line Cord 73P4491 39M4972
China Line Cord 73P4498 39M4996
Hong Kong, Malaysia, Malta, Myanmar, Singapore,
Brunei Line Cord 73P4492 39M4976
India Line Cord 40Y7646 39M5004
Indonesia/Vietnam Line Cord 73P4489 39M4964
Japan Line Cord 73P4488 73P4503 39M5040
Korea Line Cord 73P4497 73P4505 39M5000
Taiwan, Thailand, Phillipines, Guam Line Cord 73P4499 39M5012
Europe, Middle East, Africa Marketing part number Replacement part number (FRU) Power Cord FRU DC Cord FRU
Denmark Line Cord 73P4490 73P4505 39M4968 73P4510
EU1, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Vietnam Line Cord 73P4489 39M4964
Israel Line Cord 73P4495 39M4988
Italy Line Cord 73P4494 39M4984
South Africa Line Cord 73P4491 39M4972
Switzerland Line Cord 73P4493 39M4980
UK, Ireland Line Cord 73P4492 39M4976
Latin America Marketing part number Replacement part number (FRU) Power Cord FRU DC Cord FRU
US, Canada, LA 73P4485 73P4503 39M5016 73P4510
Argentina 73P4486 39M5020
Brazil 73P4487 39M5056
Additional product information
Overview - Features and specifications for your product
User's guide - Instruction manual for your product
Learn - How to use a marketing part number or replacement part number (FRU) when placing an order